07-02-2025  D 9

Personal Counselling


Personal Counselling is a process where professionally qualified Counsellors engage the voluntary and referred students, parents and teachers in the Counselling Centre. While listening, learning and empowering, the Counselling centre is committed to help the clients to cope with problem situations of life. While helping them to experience a holding environment, the clients are guided to change their behaviors and put them on the road of recovery.


Personal Counselling in St.Joseph`s College is an innovative initiative with the objectives of:

? Helping the students to manage their psychological problems more effectively and develop unused and underused opportunities more fully

? Helping the clients to become independent and manage their lives well

? Capacity building of Mind in Higher Education for Human development through the various programmes offered.

? Guiding the clients in their psychological, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social realms and thus promote a holistic view of life.

? Recommending deserved students for Breakfast, Noon Meal and Scholarships


At the moment, there are two Male Counsellors and one Lady Counsellor working in the Counselling Centre. A student friendly, privacy ensuring location for Counselling centre, Professional Counselling Psychologists, The theoretical orientation of the Counsellors, Standard Client in-take form, follow up sessions, number of students enrolled, Emblem (Wheel of Happiness) depicting the objectives of personal Counselling are some of the features of the Counselling Centre.


1.Dr.A.John Balaiah

2.Rev.Dr.Gilburt Camillus

3.Ms.W Jasmine


Members involved




Psychological issues dealt in personal counselling

5.1.3 Personal Counselling & Group Counselling Activities & Students Enrolled


No. of Students



Problems addressed



Personal / Group Counselling

All through the Year

Lack of concentration in studies, Conflict with parents and friends, Lack of motivation, Friendship issues,? Mood Disorders, Depression, Anxiety, Phobia, Emotional issues, Low Self-esteem issues, Interpersonal living, Peer Pressure, Relationship boundaries, Alcoholism, Sexuality, Sleep Disorders, Career Guidance, Study Skills, Psychosomatic symptoms, Stress Management, Time Management, Suicidal Ideation, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Noon Meals and Scholarships, Part time jobs



Personal / Group Counselling

All through the Year

Lack of concentration in studies, Conflict with parents, teachers? and friends, Lack of motivation, Mood Disorders, Depression, Anxiety, Phobia, Emotional issues, Low Self-esteem issues, Interpersonal living, Peer Pressure, Relationship boundaries, Addictions, Alcoholism, Sexuality, Sleep Disorders, Career Guidance, Study Skills, Psychosomatic symptoms, Stress Management, Time Management, Suicidal Ideation, Noon Meals and Scholarships, Part time jobs



Personal / Group Counselling

All through the Year

Lack of concentration in studies, Conflict with parents and friends, Lack of motivation, Mood Disorders, Depression, Anxiety, Phobia, Emotional issues, Low Self-esteem issues, Interpersonal living, Peer Pressure, Relationship boundaries, Alcoholism, Sexuality, Sleep Disorders, Career Guidance, Study Skills, Psychosomatic symptoms, Stress Management, Time Management, Suicidal Ideation, Noon Meals and Scholarships, Part time jobs



Personal / Group Counselling

All through the Year

Lack of concentration in studies, Conflict with parents and friends, Lack of motivation, Mood Disorders, Depression, Anxiety, Phobia, Emotional issues, Low Self-esteem issues, Interpersonal living, Peer Pressure, Relationship boundaries, Alcoholism & Drug Abuse, Sexuality, Sleep Disorders, Career Guidance, Study Skills, Psychosomatic symptoms, Stress Management, Time Management, Suicidal Ideation, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Noon Meals and Scholarships, Part time jobs



Personal / Group Counselling

All through the Year

Lack of concentration in studies, Conflict with parents and friends, Lack of motivation, Mood Disorders, Depression, Anxiety, Phobia, Emotional issues, Low Self-esteem issues, Interpersonal living, Peer Pressure, Relationship boundaries, Alcoholism & Drug Abuse, Sexuality, Sleep Disorders, Career Guidance, Study Skills, Psychosomatic symptoms, Stress Management, Time Management, Suicidal Ideation, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Noon Meals and Scholarships, Part time jobs



Personal / Group Counselling

All through the Year

Lack of concentration in studies, Conflict with parents and friends, Lack of motivation, Mood Disorders, Depression, Anxiety, Phobia, Emotional issues, Low Self-esteem issues, Interpersonal living, Peer Pressure, Relationship boundaries, Alcoholism, Sexuality, Sleep Disorders, Career Guidance, Study Skills, Psychosomatic symptoms, Stress Management, Time Management, Suicidal Ideation, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Noon Meals and Scholarships, Part time jobs


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