07-02-2025  D 9

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

Rules on the conduct of the CIA components, the basic requirements for the students to appear for the Semester Examinations and disciplinary action taken against students indulging in malpractice are outlined below:

  • CIA is a mandatory requirement for all the students.

  • A student is expected to attempt all the three CIA components, Library referencing and appear for Mid and End Semester tests to acquire minimum CIA. The following are the distribution of the CIA marks.

Distribution of CIA Marks

UG: Passing minimum = 40
PG: Passing minimum = 50
Library Referencing 5 Library Referencing
3 Assignment Components 35 3 Assignment Components
Mid-Sem Test 30 Mid-Sem Test
End-Sem Test 30 End-Sem Test

The various assignment Components could be Quiz (written / objective), Snap Test, Viva-Voce, Seminar, Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension, Problem Solving, Map Reading, Group Discussion, Panel Discussion, Field Visit, Paragraph / Essay Writing, Open Book Test, Library Record, Writing Composition, Case Study, Online Test, etc.

As a special consideration, students who publish papers in refereed journals would be exempted from one of the assignment Components in one of the papers.

One of the assignment components for UG & PG will be of 15 marks which is compulsorily objective Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) type. This component must be conducted by the department / faculty concerned in online mode.

Mid and End Semester Tests : (2 Hour duration each) will have Objective and Descriptive elements with the 3-tier question pattern Part-A, Part-B and Part-C.

The 10 marks of PART-A of Mid-Semester and End-Semester Tests will comprise only the following three Objective Type Questions : MCQ, True/ False and Fill-in the blanks.

Part -B: 20 Marks (4 x 5 = 20 marks; either or type)

Part -C: 30 Marks (3 out of 4 x 10 = 30 marks; open choice)

Average of all English Compositions (held once a fortnight throughout a semester) will form one of the components for UG General English.

For Human Excellence Courses in Part IV of UG, the Mid & Semester Tests (1 1/2 Hours duration) will have the following Question Paper Pattern:

Part-A: 10 Marks (5 out of 7 x 2 = 20 marks; open choice)

Part-B: 30 Marks (5 out of 7 x 6 = 30 marks; open choice)

Library Referencing Record

Students of all (UG & PG) Programmes (except UG first semester, as they have English Language Lab) have to spend a minimum of 25 / 20 hours (for PG/UG) with 45 minutes duration of each session in the College Library in a Semester and maintain a record for the same. Based on the number of hours accumulated in the library referencing, the distribution of 5 marks will be awarded as shown below by the faculty which will be given to all the courses of the given semester.

Marks                 5             4            3            2             1

PG Hours         25        24-21     20-15      14-11        10-5

UG Hours         20        19-15      14-10        9-5        4-1


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