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Controller of Examinations

Ever since the College became autonomous in 1978, the Office of the Controller of Examinations started functioning.

In St. Joseph`s College evaluation is both formative and summative. The former known as the CIA (Continuos Internal Assessment) has as its first component written tests (Mid-Semester and End-Semester Test) centrally organised by the Controller's office. The other components taken care of by the teachers handling the subjects comprise Assignments, Seminars, Group Discussion, etc. The CIA marks are read out in the respective classes on the day specified in the calendar and later displayed on the departmental notice boards. Students are free to bring to the notice of the HOD any likely discrepancies which are rectified soon and the final CIA marks are sent to the Office of the Controller of Examinations.

The summative examinations are conducted at the end of the semester after the publication of the CIA marks. These semester examinations are conducted only for those students at the UG and PG levels who have passed in their CIA components. The passing minimum for UG is 40% and PG is 50%. Centralised evaluation is conducted for UG semester examination scripts.

For PG, there is double valuation. Results are passed in the Awards Committee Meeting and Mark Sheets are issued to students within a reasonable time. Students are permitted to improve their performance in SE in the subsequent semester, if desired. Besides, all UG students can have their semester papers revalued or retotalled by paying a nominal fee.

The Office of the Controller of Examination gives top priority to the welfare of students. All genuine requests of students are promptly attended to.


Controller of Examinations


Assistant Controller of Examinations

Contact Us

Controller of Examinations
St.Joseph's College (Autonomous)
Tiruchirappalli-620 002.
Tamilnadu, India
Tel: 0431-422-6383/6384
Fax: 0431-2701501